AB Testing
A/B testing is one of the most important statistical evaluation methods in the field of web analytics. It involves testing two different versions of a digital measure or system against each other. In detail, it means that a modified version of the original (version B) is tested against the original version (version A). The aim of this testing process is to identify the version that generates increased traffic and improvements in KPI for your online shop. However, it is important to note that only one element of the original version is changed, so that the result can be traced back to the changed element.
Bounce Rate
The bounce rate is a relevant metric from the field of web analytics. With the help of this metric, it is possible to measure how many visitors exit your online store after a single page view without showing any interest in further page elements. If the value of this metric is high, this indicates that the content of your store is not optimally adapted to what your customers expect from their visit to your site. Consequently, the analysis of the bounce rate allows you to identify relevant optimization potentials of your website, so that the bounce rate of your customers can be minimized with the help of various adjustments and they can stay longer within your online shop.
Call-to-Action (CTA)
In the field of marketing, the term Call-to-Action (CTA) refers to a type of call to action that is intended to encourage an immediate response from your customers. A click through to the shopping cart and completion of the purchase process are just a few of the numerous possibilities for a call-to-action. There are different ways to implement a call-to-action on your website. At brytes, we often use the option of a CTA button for this purpose. In the following you can see an example of a potential action that requests the user to react. The expression "Add product to wishlist" represents the call-to-action, which should encourage your customers to consider adding the product to their wishlist.
The original definition of "conversion" is a sort of transformation process. In your online store, for example, a conversion takes place when a user buys a product and submits an order. At that point, the transformation from interested user to actual customer takes place. Other examples of a conversion are the registration for a newsletter or the creation of a user profile in your online store. The amount of conversions is therefore a scalable parameter for the individual success of your website, whereby it should be noted that a high amount of conversions is always the goal. At brytes, we measure the number of conversions via our implemented tracking tool. In this context, the conversion rate (link to the explanation of the conversion rate) is an extremely relevant key figure for your online shop.
Conversion Rate
In comparison to the regular conversion, the conversion rate shows you the ratio between the number of visitors to your website and the actual number of purchases made within a specified period of time. For example, if 10,000 visitors visit your online store and 100 of them make a purchase, your conversion rate is 1% (conversion x 100 / visitors). There are many different factors on your website that influence your conversion rate, such as the design of your website and the related user experience. The average conversion rate in the B2C segment is about 1% and in the B2B area about 3-4%, but these amounts can vary greatly depending on the product segment.
Customer Journey
According to the field of marketing, the customer journey is the path your customers take through your online store. This journey often begins with the first initiation, such as a corresponding advertising measure, so that a user enters your website and continues his path along various points in your store. The various points can also be classified as touchpoints and represent a very important element in the final stage of the checkout process. With the help of the customer journey, you gain a better understanding of your users' buying behavior and you may be able to identify decisive optimization potential on your website so that you can optimize the path to the final conversion (linking term conversion).
Cost-per-click (CPC)
Cost-per-click refers to a form of payment within online marketing for placed advertisements. This payment function works as follows: Advertising customers do not pay a fixed amount to the website operator who publishes the agreed advertising measures, such as campaigns or banners, but pay an arranged price as soon as a user clicks on the advertising measure. This also explains the name cost-per-click, because costs are only incurred by the advertiser if the advertising campaign is clicked on, and is therefore different from the ad impressions model.
Exit Intent
If your users are about to leave your website at an early stage of their customer journey, you can prevent this with an exit intent. An exit intent can be displayed on your website in the form of a pop-up, as an example, and is intended to extend the duration of the session by convincing your customers of relevant content. Discount campaigns or sales promotions are particularly suitable for this purpose, as they offer your users an additional incentive and make your website more interesting.
The principle of gamification appeals to the human tendency towards game-like elements, which is rooted in our human nature. With the help of gamification, you can incorporate game-typical elements into non-game environments such as your website. By exciting your customers with loading bars, small awards or puzzles, they will automatically be more motivated to engage with the content. The following is an example of how we use gamification at brytes. With the help of the Loading Bar we appeal to the human tendency towards game-typical elements and achieve the motivation of the users to complete the bar in order to secure the incentive of a free order. Elements like this increase relevant KPIs of your website (average shopping cart value or conversion rate).
Landing Page
A landing page is the landing page of your users, which they reach after clicking on an advertising medium such as a banner or a sales campaign or after they have reached your website via the search engine. The landing page presents users with target group-specific content and should be tailored to their needs. If you offer your users an appealing landing page that has a fit to their current needs and serves their current needs, you motivate them to interact with your online store. This interaction increases the probability that users will become genuine customers and that you will thereby increase your relevant KPIs (conversion rate, average shopping cart value) in a targeted manner on the one hand and offer an optimal user experience on the other.
Onsite personalization
Onsite personalization allows you to address customers on your website in a way that is very close to the personal, interpersonal relationship of stationary retail. This means that even in the age of digitalization, you can respond to the individual needs and preferences of your customers. There are numerous ways in which you can ensure a personal customer approach on your website. The most important measures include pop-up messages, dynamic content adaptation, recommendations and a personalized approach tailored to your users. For an optimal personalization strategy it is relevant to know your customers and their behavior on your website, for example you can pose the following questions: Do your users mainly surf on mobile or desktop and from which channel do they mainly access your website? You can find a detailed description and further information on an optimal personalization strategy on our Insights blog.
Product Detail Page (PDP)
Contrary to the product list page, individual products are described in detail on product detail pages in order to provide your customers with all relevant information about the respective product. In addition to product photos or videos, a detailed description, reviews from other customers, technical product details and general information about availability and delivery time are also relevant information that users focus on in their selection process. An appealing product detail page is particularly crucial for the decisive purchase incentive, as users spend the longest time on this type of page and it provides a decisive basis for the final purchase decision.
In the field of web analytics, companies create so-called personas to represent their superordinate customer types. The personas are equipped with the socio-demographic characteristics, personal facets & preferences and typical purchasing behavior relevant for the respective customer type. By creating personas, relevant marketing measures can be optimally adapted to the different target groups as well as customer types. Especially in product development processes or in the elaboration of marketing & advertising strategies, the created personas are of relevant importance, as they actively support the design thinking process.
Product Detail Page (PDP)
In contrast to the product listing page, individual products are described in detail on product detail pages in order to provide your customers with all relevant information about the respective product. In addition to product photos or videos, a detailed description, reviews from other customers, technical product details and general information about availability and delivery time are also relevant information that users focus on in their selection process. An appealing product detail page is particularly crucial for the decisive purchase incentive, as users spend the longest time on this type of page and it provides a decisive basis for the final decision to purchase.
Product Listing Page (PLP)
The product listing page presents your product portfolio to your users. Especially with a large selection, online shops often have a large number of product listing pages, which are divided into different categories. With the help of the PLPs, your users get a first overview of the different products that are available in your online shop. If you set targeted incentives on these pages and offer a filter function, for example, you make the entire process easier for your users and help them to get a quick overview, which ultimately sets the relevant incentive for the final purchase.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
SEO is the abbreviation for Search Engine Optimization, which includes a variety of measures that support you in achieving an improved web presence within the unpaid search results. The algorithm of search engines like Google and Co. decide on the basis of fixed criteria on which position your website or your sales campaign will be placed in the search results. Within the scope of SEO optimization, your website will be examined for relevant key words and other relevant content, so that you will receive a recommendation with which optimizations and integrations you can improve your web presence and accordingly increase your success in e-commerce.
Trust Elements
Due to the anonymity within the internet it is inevitable that users trust your online shop and stay there without security concerns. If you create a trusting environment in your online shop, you will not only increase your customer loyalty, but also the probability of purchase. Trust elements play a crucial role in building trust, because with the help of so-called trust-building elements, you specifically increase customer satisfaction, because trust is the key to greater customer satisfaction in e-commerce. Examples of trust elements that you can integrate on your website might be customer ratings, personal advice offers, or the identification of various payment options. It is decisive for the success of these elements that you place them in the field of vision of your users, so that they are already noticed in an early stage of the customer journey.
Unique Selling Proposition (USP)
The Unique Selling Proposition is your USP, with which you skilfully set yourself apart from your competitors. This unique selling proposition can be, for example, the best price-performance ratio in the industry, outstanding personal advice, or your broad product range, with which you inspire your customers. It is essential for your success to identify your USP and to communicate it to potential customers. The focus of this identification is the question of what specifically differentiates you from your competitors. Once you have found your USP, it is important to define it and present it to your customers, because it is a relevant advantage within your sales strategy.
User Experience (UX)
The user experience stands for the experience of the customer and is expressed in the experiences and impressions that users gain in your online store. A good user experience is an elementary component for an optimal Internet presence, which consequently also affects your overall success. The experience of your users is based, among other things, on the website design as well as an intuitive page layout, an appealing design, a handling that is as easy to understand as possible as well as the technical stability. At brytes, we are happy to support you with a UX check in order to identify possible optimization potential and to assist you in the optimal design of your website.
Shopping Cart Abort
Shopping cart abandoners are users who evade the final purchase decision in the checkout process and abort their session in the decisive final phase. Statistics show an average abandonment rate of 70%, which increases to 85% on mobile devices. In order not to lose your customers in the last stage of their customer journey, you should make sure that, in addition to a user-friendly checkout process, you offer a wide range of payment options and implement confidence-building measures on your website that encourage your customers in their intentions and give them certainty. Furthermore, it is also crucial that you avoid hidden shipping costs and point out extra costs early enough to actively reduce your customers' pain of paying.